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Lohmeyer Plumbing
Dunlap & Company Inc
Aton's Storage
KIND Car Wash
Edward Jones Investments
I'd love to Bowl For Kids' Sake! What now?
First, YAY!!! We know you'll make a great Team Captain. Now you just need to recruit the rest of your team. Teams are limited to FIVE people. If you have over 5 members, consider splitting into 2 teams. We can place you on side-by-side lanes so you can still enjoy bowling together.
Wait. Team Captain?
Team Captains are the point person for each bowling team. They should be the first person from the team to register. During registration, bowlers are given the option to create a team name or join a team. Team Captains will create the team, then share the name with rest of the team. When each subsequent bowler registers they will chose to "join a team" and will be given a drop down menu of existing teams to choose from.
All registered! So now we just show up to bowl?
Well, since Bowl For Kids' Sake is the only fundraiser from which 100% of the proceeds benefit Big Brothers Big Sisters of Bartholomew County we do ask our bowling teams to set a fundraising goal of $500. It's both an exciting and obtainable goal for most teams, but don't let it scare or limit you!
But I don't know how to raise money!
Don't worry! Scroll a bit further down this page for some helpful tips.
Anything else I need to know?
The week before the event all Team Captains will receive an email with their teams details, including bowling time and packet pickup information.
Uh oh. I need to change my team's bowling time.
No worries! Just email karina@FoundationForYouth.com
I still have a lot of questions. Can I email Karina with those too?
Of course! Or, if you'd prefer, give her a call. 812-348-4558 x208
Tip 1: Focus on why you are fundraising.
It’s easy to raise money for Big Brothers Big Sisters! People want to invest in programs proven to change lives and put children on a path towards success.
Tip 2: Donate
Make your own contribution and let others know that you are donating not only your money but also your time.
Tip 3: Aim high!
Aim high! Ask for $100 and settle for $50. Gear the amount you’re requesting to your audience. As long as you are respectful and sincere about your motivation (changing the lives of children, right here, right now, in your community), many people gladly give at a level that is comfortable for them. Whether its $5, $25, or $100, what’s important is that they support Big Brothers Big Sisters.
Tip 4: Ask in a way that's comfortable for you.
You can ask in person or via a phone call, email, social media, etc...
Tip 5: Seek support through your network
Ask at your regular meetings. If you belong to a service club or religious or social group, request time to ask for support.
Tip 6: Recruit your family!
Involve family and friends in your awareness and fundraising. Share these tips with them and see if they can ask their own friends and colleagues to support your fundraising effort.
Tip 7: Host your own mini fundraiser
Sell candy bars during lunch at work or coordinate a casual Friday with management!
Tip 8: Share your success!
Use social media to thank the people who have contributed toward your goal.
Tip 9: It's ok if they say "no"
If they decline to make a gift, thank them sincerely for listening and giving you their input. In many cases, “no” means “not now.”
Tip 10: All donations are tax deductible
All donors receive a letter/email confirming their donation and providing all necessary information for their tax deduction.
Bowlers who wish to join your team must complete the registration process individually. When registering they have the option to "Join a team." When that selection is made a drop-down menu appears in which your team name should be listed. Once the correct team name is chosen and the bowler completes their registration they will be added to your team.
Don't forget to share your team name with your bowlers!
For any issues please email karina@foundationforyouth.com